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Dec 17, 2000
03:33 pm

'I drank a couple shots of courage
& stumbled homeward...' - Ron Hawkins

Oh what a night. And I'm not referring to the song. This whole weekend has been filled with crazy coincidences. I don't know if I could even convey to total, utter insanity that was last night/this morning [because you KNOW I did not get home until 8 am...]. Oh my soul. It started with a crazy dinner at East Side Mario's, filled with annoying the waiters and dancing [of COURSE dancing!]. Which was quickly followed by walking in freezing rain for 15 minutes to get to Babylon and have Mari's ID questioned forever [Spell one of your middle names! When was your license issued? Show us your signature! Geez Louise!]. And then party party party dance dance dance to fun local Ottawa bands... even though Mari and Leah wouldn't let me dance to Sorry by the Easybeats when it came on... damnit! Mind you, I was supposed to be telling a story at the time, so I forgive them.

In any case, Mike [no not Mmmike. He just came out to dinner with us] popped in as promised... with the totally awesome fake tongue ring. It is THE superdupercoolest thing in the world, I swear. I simply must find me one [and one for Mari and Leah and whomever else too!]. It's this small little silver ball with a little divet in the bottom so you can suction it to your tongue... and it looks just like a tongue ring only more fun to play with and a lot less pain. Plus, you can share it with friends! hahaha. So if you know where I can find one of those things, PLEASE tell me and I will love you forever and even buy you one. Exxxcept if you already have a real tongue ring... cause then you're just too good.

Hmm... so we stayed at Babylon's waaaaaaaay too long and I got randomly hit on by one of the band guys [at least... I think he was in one of the bands...?] and he was trying to convince me to come to his restaurant [the village cafe] at Westboro and I was like 'hey, is it near rogers community 22?' and he thought I was crazy... which I was by that point in time, so it's a-ok! Yummyfur! In the end, we didn't leave Babylon's until like after all the bar staff. Ha! Then Leah dragged us back to rez [before Mike lost himself... I was being 'naughty', apparently] but it was DEAD. And then I ate a bagel [just for you mmmike].

Lalalala... we left rez for Elgin St Diner cause Leah had never been there and I was craving poutine [at 4:30 am... yes, I'm a TRUE Canadian... hahaha!]. So we're being crazy fools at 5 am at the diner and who walks up and sits down with us... but our crazy waiter from East Side Mario's. Talk about INSANITY! He was like all giddy to see us and couldn't believe we were still out and whatnot. I think we made his night. No wait, I made the Elgin St Diner waiter's night because I gave him a 40% tip. He was, umm, happy. And adorable. 'Come back any time... I'm always here till 7 am...' Yaaaaaaay. New friends all over town.

And really... is that not enough for one night? Sounds dull in writing, doesn't it? Well, that's it. You just have to come to Zaphod's with us next Friday and see what we're REALLY like in action... mad fools, that's what we are! Oh did I mention Leah and I following Cameron and Chris around Babylon all night? That was too good. Well, not following them but watching them the whole night. Silly silly boys they are. And Leah finally agreed with me by the end of the night that Chris was tall... cause he is. Right Chris? And this delirium stems from no sleep and partying all night. Sorry kittens.

Watch this entry disappear... But first, go check out Laura because her diary is superduperpretty and her analyzer is lonely. Yayyy Laura!

P.S.: Andrew is officially my internet idol... just to make him feel dirty all over again. Silly kitten. =)

'My coat is hanging even closer to the door
Than it ever has before...' - Ron Hawkins

the bottom line is love