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Jul 09, 2002
10:17 pm

'Someone else can change the channels for me' - James

Sometimes, I wish for nothing else but to enable myself to be more approachable. However, as much as I curse the unapproachability I've harvested in myself, I adore it for what it is when I need it. Right now, though, it is just driving me up the wall, making me seem like an ass to the only person I really care about. How clever of me. I love being a mystery to myself and everyone else. ha! right. But anyway, I'm already telling myself to quit complaining. I've made my own bed; time to lie in it blah blah fucking blah.

Okay. I admit. It's as much my fault for not approaching him. But wow. He is the most unapproachable person I have ever met [not met?]. I thought I was bad... Argh. I can't say I haven't tried. Give up? Who needs another broken heart anyway, right? hahaha.

I rather want that new live James compilation. Money I shouldn't be spending that will probably be spent.

I think I'll plan a mini-vacation to Toronto for August. I could use a vacation right now, but it can wait. Alberta would be better for my mental health, but hey... what's mental health compared to rock n roll soul?

'Just makes me wanna scream... Come home, come home...' - James

the bottom line is love