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shower mohawk
May 29, 2002
11:32 am

'Lesson 2. Cop the groove.' - Cornershop

I really cannot stop dancing around to Cornershop's 'Lessons Learned from Rocky I to Rocky III'. I'm not sure why, apart from the fact that it kicks some serious arse. Besides, there's no better way to kill time before heading off to work. [Showering and Having Lunch simply do not hold the same thrill, meh].

A slight problem I've recently discovered: when I blast my music a little too loudly [read: usually], the magnetic fields from my speakers tend to rattle my screen a little bit. Probably not good for the monitor, eh? Oops.

Is it wrong of me to enjoy my english prof's lectures simply because he's a marxist? Probably, but that's the whole reason I <3'ed my canadian studies prof as well. Yes, I am a geek.

Tell me: why, on a Wednesday in Ottawa, is there more than one quality rock show taking place? I'm not complaining, but it is a little odd/frustrating. The Gossip... Danny Michel... The Salteens & Paper Moon... I don't know what to do! Although, I have a feeling the Gossip will win out. Unless of course I'm too lazy and just end up at Zaphod's instead. Har har.

Sometimes I think it would be a really good thing to get over my crushileptic tendencies. But, in the end, I know I would miss it way too much. What would I do with my time?! Ha! Way too entertaining.

'It's all about the style and the clothes that you wear' - Curtis Mayfield

the bottom line is love