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Jan 25, 2002
01:40 pm

'Don't forget the booty!' - By Divine Right

Let's get cheesy for a moment here. You know those nights where everything just falls into place? The perfect happy band in town, the perfect people around you, the perfect atmosphere. When I go a long time without nights like those, I start to lose it a little bit. Then one sneaks up and takes me completely by surprise and I'm in heaven. Perfection in dancing-goodtunes-sweetpeople-grandconversation sort of way.

Much much more than I was expecting out of last night. I was expecting disaster, but I ended up with delicious fantastic fun.

You meet someone, and it just clicks. You start doing things you don't normally do, just pulled along by a thin wire. English majors and canadian literature. Marxism and anarchy. Jolly Rancher candies and adorable rockstars.

I will always be the one to fall.

Not to mention the slew of phone-calls with crazy, but great, news. Good luck sweetheart.

And a boy made me a mixtape and lent me the perks of being a wallflower. How kind!

PS: Met this sweet girl for the second or third time on Wednesday... and felt bad for never remembering her name and always being too shy to ask. Check out the darling Jarvis Cocker layout... yummyfur.

'Got some sweet sweet lovin...' - By Divine Right

the bottom line is love