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shower mohawk
May 16, 2001
11:59 am

'Don't take your eyes from the prize...' - Dodgy

Yup. Talk about oldies britpop... well, kind of. Ha! It's all Gary's fault for playing songs that were pop five years ago. Hmm.

I went and bought eighteen cds on Monday. Why? Cause I'm a music geek like that. I couldn't tell you the last time I bought eighteen cds. I have done it before, but it's been... years. How much fun! I wandered into DiscGoRound [used cds] to pick up another copy of Pulp's 'Different Class' cause mine seems to have disappeared... and I walked out with a lot of stuff, but not that one [although, I did find the 'Help The Aged' ep. woo!] For some reason, Luke Doucet's 'Aloha Manitoba' was there... used... already. It only came out 2 weeks ago... less than that! What's wrong with people!? ack... ah well.

I stole Stu's hat on Sunday. ha! Shame on me, I know. Actually, I didn't really steal it... I borrowed it, then he left without taking it back. And Marco would not stop trying to steal my heart-shaped sunglasses. He couldn't grasp how possessive I am of them now that it's my SECOND PAIR thanx to Stu. Er, yeah. Stop making sense tour, hop on board!

I heart the 7" mix of Disco 2000. I heart all things Pulp today. I wonder why, hmm?

And like I can't mention Weezer. Ha! Cooole, the lovely Weezer darling girl that she is, picked the perfect Weezer song for me. Falling For You... lil ol' three chord me... Yeehah! Did I mention Gary played two songs from the green album on Friday? Island in the Sun and Hash Pipe [of course]. Island in the Sun sounded so pretty pumping out the speakers. Yummyfur.

I guess this journal has finally returned to its indierawk/musicgeek roots, eh?

This has been a week of hearing from people I never hear from anymore. Nifty... nothing wrong with that.

A little [which really should be big] apology... I owe a lot of people mixtapes right now, I know. Things are a shamble here right now and CDs are littered all over the place. I'll try and get them done by next week. I feel badly. Send me e.mail, telling me how evil I am for not sending you a mixtape yet. And, well, if you don't think I owe you one, but you still want one? You can still ask for one. I never say no to a mixtape project.

I really should stop with the continuous Pulp/Weezer roll. Hmm...

Tulip Festival has me completely rocknrolled to the max at the moment... Jim Bryson kicked arse as usual, save for some mega-horrific technical difficulties. Not that it threw anyone off. Everyone loves Jim, right? [and Ian and Darren and Peter and Tom lala]

And I really really really want to go to the Datsons allnight rocknroll party in June. Will you come with me? I'll bring you a candy necklace! I promise.

'First, there's rules about old goats like me
Hangin' round with chicks like you [but I do like you]' - Weezer

the bottom line is love