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shower mohawk
Apr 11, 2001
11:46 am

'Maybe I'm just like my brother,
He's never satisfied...' - Stu

I actually went to the doctor's yesterday. Yes, I, crazy girl who despises doctors and never goes unless dragged, went to the doctor's office of my own accord. Why? Because I'm fed up with being sick. Sick with bronchitis, I find out. So now I'm on some crazy medecine that's 'stronger than penicillin' [whatever that means]. The pharmacist felt he had to warn me that I may have some nightmares as a result of taking it. So, I was kind of worried going to bed last night... but let me tell you, if nightmares consist of what I dreamed about last night... bring 'em on! ha! They were just that good. Mmm... Yummyfur. I think you can probably deduce what they were about. [no! not sex you guttered minds! ha!]

Other side effects include [I'm told] hallucinations... if the hallucinations are as good as the nightmares were, well then, give me some of those too! Apparently, this stuff also causes crack conversations, ie the one I'm having with Andy:

Weakerthan You: hmm let me penser
Andy: penser haaaahahahaha
Weakerthan You: yes penser. christ, i was even talking french at the doctor's office yesterday. stupid work making me talk french all the time aaaaaaaah
Andy: hehehe!!!!
Weakerthan You: i think this medecine is reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally going to my head. yowza. er yessssssssssssssssss. actually, i think i just had too much sleeep. yaaaay sleep! and i only have to work once in the next 8 days... how cool is that? blah blah fucking blah.
Andy: you cracketh me up.
Weakerthan You: only because i'm *that* dumb today. hahaha i need help. no wait... i just need matt good. yeah, that's it. the cure for cancer.

Err... sorry Andy. The drugs have also caused me to go on a major guestbook-signing-frenzy. Actually, that's not quite true cause I do that even when I'm not on antibiotics.

Mmmike says he has changed his website again... I don't believe him cause he never does. He changed where it is... that doesn't count. Speaking of which, I think I need a redesign for this place. Although, maybe I'll reserve that design for mon new 'secret' diary. ha! Don't worry... this one will still be here.


'Pick up my guitar and play
Just like yesterday...' - The Who/Stu

the bottom line is love