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shower mohawk
Feb 22, 2001
02:18 pm

'Her boyfriend he don't know anything about her
He's too stoned, Nintendo,
I wish that I could make her see
She's just the flavour of the week...' - American Hi-Fi

[I'm addicted to that song at the moment, I'm not sure why... damn you mmmike and your getting me into a punkrock kick.]

Realizations I've come to so far today [aka the 'Jess is still sick and bored with it' entry]:

Makeoutclub is still superaddictive after you've already gone through all the people... 2wice. Watch out for 'Makeoutclub Anonymous' coming soon... Laura's in, I'm sure Ferokitty is in, too. And I know you are...

Eels still kick ass as much as I used to think they did [thanx Andy for reminding me of that fact...]

Boys singing in falsetto is superscary. Unless it's Chris Murphy or E doing it. In which case, it makes me giggle... like a schoolgirl.

Tide megasucks when compared with Ultratide. Same goes for Cheer/Ultracheer. And don't get me started on the Ultratide tablets...

I own entirely too many Modrobes. Although, that statement in and of itself is completely wrong-o because one can never own too much Modrobes.

Correction, I own too many pairs of blue Modrobes.

People signing my guestbook puts a huge goofy grin on my face. I'm silly geeky like that...

People joining the supercool list makes me even happier because it gives me something to do while sick.

Being sick pisses me off and makes me restless. Superrestless.

Being sick also makes me crazy HTML obsessed and wanting to redesign everything in site... so if you want a new look for your diary/page, drop me a line cause I am *so* bored...

Being sick also pisses me megaoff because it makes me miss New Pornographers shows. grr! And, possibly, Sarah Harmer shows.

Did I mention I'm supposed to be in Toronto right now with Lister? But I'm not... cause I'm sick. Grr.

I am not angry. I'm just bored.

I should stop e.mailing people before it gets out of hand.

Some people's [particularly Lynne's and Jamie's] tastes are just impeccable. I tell you, there should be more people like them... [ie: anyone who hearts Last Night is supercool in my books]

I still <3 [ha! Go read Andrew's entry about that...] mixtapes and mixcds sooo much. You should send me one. hahaha. No really. You should. I'll send you one too.

'Some people like to call me Chuck
It's Charles and you're shit out of luck...' - Eels

the bottom line is love