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shower mohawk
Sept 11, 2000
02:03 am

'sometimes I wonder why it is you stay with me
cause no one's getting any medals here
for acts of loyalty...' - adam cohen

this is bordering on a rant, so be prepared for some serious venting. if you don't want to hear it, don't read it.

these are a few of the things that I hate:

1. selfish people. that is, people who are so fucking self-centred that they are convinced the world revolves around them and that all events that occur in the world [or their own little 'universe'] happen just to fuck with their wellbeing and happiness. of course, they have no control over their lives, no. anything bad that happens is a direct result of someone else's action. and of course, they cause no harm to anyone else. yes, that's right. they're immune to anyone else's problems cause you know what? they don't give a damn about anyone except themselves. it is these kind of people that fuck up relationships and the world in general. yes, i truly believe that. that's a bit of a sweeping statement though, so i'll retract it... for now. until i can get further proof.

2. lazy people. i'm talking laziness that is beyond belief. people, for example, [& this is by no means the only kind of lazy people that i dislike] in my household who are so fucking lazy that they can't even put a new milkbag in the pitcher. i don't mean that they have to go to the store to buy a new bag of milk. and i don't mean they even have to go to the fridge in the garage to get a new bag. i'm talking when the bag is in the shelf below where the milk pitcher itself is... but they can't be bothered to put it in. it really doesn't take that much energy, so give me a break people. if you don't have the strength to do that much, please, just shoot yourself already and let the selfish people in the world have a little more room for their life.

3. having to live with seven other people in my house. you don't realize how used to having four people in a house you get until you're forced to live with 8 people in a house. yes, i grew up with 3 older brothers and 2 parents, bringing the household count to a grand total of 6... but that was a long time ago when we weren't all adults and didn't really all have lives of our own. now it's damn near impossible to deal with. especially when one of the people is a baby and despite him being the best baby i've ever known... is still a baby and still means there's baby crap all over the house.

4. getting into the shower after someone else. [just to end this on a light note]. but seriously, i just can't stand getting into the shower after someone else. the feel of the wet porcelain beneath my feet and the wet shower curtain brushing against my arm drives me bonkers and/or makes me scream, depending on the situtation. i've gotten better than i used to be, but it still disgusts me. and with this many people living in the house, it's hard to get a shower when someone else hasn't just finished showering.

on a happier note, these are the things i love:

1. people who care for me and love me so much that they will do everything in their power to get to see me, even if they don't really have the funds or the means. and when they do see me, make me feel so damn good that i don't come down from the high for weeks at a time. those are the best kind of people in the world.

2. when people ask me for advice. if someone trusts me enough to ask my opinion about a personal aspect of their life, i am completely flattered and do everything in my power to help them. this is especially true if the person is someone i care for and/or love and want the best for. you know who you are... well, maybe you don't, but you'll figure it out eventually. and even if you don't, it's okay. really. i'll love you anyway.

3. aaron. he is a bit of both of those people and is the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. if only i could have him all the time, instead of just when it's convenient. relationships are a bitch.

that's enough out of me for now. i apologize for the vulgarity and nastiness of some of this... and you damn fucking selfish people... don't go thinking this whole thing is about you cause guess what... my world DOES NOT revolve around you... cause it doesn't even revolve around me.

fuck off. fuck off. fuck off. [thanx for the tip matt haha]

oh yeah... and pretty bus boy... i still miss you and want you. come back to me...

'i wonder how i can give you my phone #
& not be so afraid...' - hayden

the bottom line is love