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Mar 10, 2001
02:11 am

'We were born within an hour of each other...' - Pulp

The official night of all best nights at Zaphod's just ended. I am not kidding. I think I just attained perfection in the form of a rock n roll dancing crazy night... although, I suppose, it could have been a little bit better... but we'll forget about the stupid people that were there cause there was too much good to care about the bad, right? Right!

Robin Fucking Black... what can one say about the Intergalactic Rock Stars? Not much exxxcept... rrrock and sexxx and glam and starboi and boas and leather pants and sparkles and ooooh... Any man who has the balls to tell two girls in the audience that they will each be liking his balls and polishing 'little Robin Black' has my vote for... umm... god? hahaha... no no... Just kidding. But it was pure sexxx in back rows on stage... Yummyfur!

Did I mention mon DJ aka Gary aka pretty dancing Zaphod's boy arrived during the set too? Yaaaaay! He hasn't been there in a loooooooong time on Friday. Or, rather, he usually arrives just as we're leaving. In any case, he was there, and for someone who's supposedly 'gay' [or that's what everyone keeps telling me... like I would believe Peter, though]... well. It was cute at first cause the DJ that was spinning started playing Pulp [like he always does] and Gary comes over to dance with me. Yeah, that sounds like nothing... except he is THE most antisocial dancer there is. As in, if anyone tries to start dancing with him, he just turns around and ignores them. Damn! So it was... adorable. Not to mention, later on in the night, when Pulp's 'Girls & Boys' came on, he managed to find me again and, um, he wasn't acting particularly 'gay'. Hmm... [I'm probably going to end up with another slanderous comment about being 'homophobic' on the messageboard or whatever... yeah... really... that's it. Ha! Actually, that would mean I wasn't attracted to them any longer, so that would be good. Damn too bad!]

Hmm... so, that itself would have made the night perfect... well, along with all the kickass tunes that the lovely DJ Simon was spinning... Sloan... Eels [our song woo!]... etc... but no. It was even better. Can you guess why? Probably... Leah comes tearing onto the dance floor screaming 'Guess who's here?!' and flipping out. Oh yes. None other than... ta da... pretty bus boy. Yeah, I think I'm just about as sick of writing about him as you are of reading about him, eh? Well, you can skip this part if you want. hehe. In any case, he was there looking all... punk today. He goes through these... stages. It's cute. But, really, I was so... nervous that I only looked him in the eye once. The rest of the night everyone ELSE was tracking him around the bar... it was rather amusing, actually, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk to him.

It's partly because I'm a chicken, I won't deny that, but I was actually willing to do it tonight unlike other nights I've seen him... It's just such a loud club with music pounding and I can't even hear one of my friends trying to talk to me, so how could I expect him to hear me? Hmm... that's the way I saw it, anyway. So... any suggestions kittens? I'm reading starting to go bonkers not talking to him... I need something... perfect to say to him. Oh, I am such a geek... I know...

Oh... did I mention I stole a beer [Sol, of course] from Robin Black? hahaha...

Perfect night? Oh yes. I guess I didn't mention that we danced our hearts out... but do I even need to say that anymore?

I love you all. Especially if you wear pleather pants... mmm... or your name is Adam.

Psst... This is what Leah claims she will see to pretty bus boy if she talks to him 'for' me:

so are you single? you are? kickass my friend likes you... would you be angry if she was a girl?

I am dying of laughter over that one... ooh dear me. I wonder if even mmmike could come up with a better one than that...

'Goddamn right it's a beautiful day...' - Eels

the bottom line is love