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Roct 02, 2000
11:23 pm

'I miss new wave & watching you walk away...' - Matthew Good Band

I'm supposed to be writing my journalism essay right now, but I'm... not. Obviously. Instead, I'm sitting here pondering/grinding over... everything. We watched 'Breathless' tonight and, being a [haha] new wave film, it made me think of Matt Good... but that's beside the point really. It's such an... emotional movie that it's sent me into one of my, er, usual tailspins where I'm kinda difficult to deal with because I start analyzing every relationship in my life & trying to bring back the old ones that I've lost. Does it ever work? Sometimes... but not very often. Ties just don't stand up over time anymore with me... especially those with people I truly love. Funny how it always happens that way eh? The ones you want to drop, stick around and the ones you can't live without, leave. Actually, it's more sad than funny come to think of it...

And once again I was playing advice girl tonight, but I didn't mind because it was for Iain and he deserves anything and everything I can give him. He's so cute when he's in love. I'm incredibly happy for him. I just hope it's 'for real' or at least 'fake' for a little while longer. Now if only I could actually get my hands on the pretty bus boy... hahaha. [I'm really not that superficial, I swear. Or maybe I have become just that...]

Oh yeah. I have pink hair [yet again]. And no, Mike, I will not see you in this current state. I fear I would be even more irresistible and sexxxsi than usual... Just kidding. My ego could never be as large as Mike's. Don't believe me? Go see for yourself. But we still love him because I get the 'real' Mike [as opposed to that crazy 'fake' Mike]. Plus, he never ever fails to make me laugh my ass off... especially when imitating stupid teenage girls and then telling me to stop laughing at him for imitating the teenage girls. [It makes sense in my head, I tell ya].

I'm stuck in one of those moods that only a new manifesto and/or Matt Good story can get me out of. So where is it damnit? Don't tell me I have to go write one myself because we've seen in the past how disastrous/funny that can be. But that's it, you've forced me into it. [Who's 'you' exxxactly? Damnit, you know who 'you' are!] So I'm off to amuse myself & countless others with said story. If you yourself need to be amused, drop me a line and I might just put the story up here for viewing...

One last thing... did I mention ROCKtober has officially begun?

'Did they stick you in here cause you weren't workin' right?' - Matthew Good Band

the bottom line is love